Our managed leases are only available to the person who…
- has high integrity. This is priority #1. When we get this right, the rest works fine.
- insists on hunting deer and turkeys under free range and fair chase conditions.
- sees a buck and reaches first for binoculars…not the bow or rifle.
- wants to be part of a professionally managed property.
- works to improve the lease and add value.
- measures satisfaction by experiences; not by the number of tags punched.
- gets along well with others.
- intends to stay in the lease for years.
- wants a property with a high acres-per-member ratio.
- prefers clear rules that control hunting pressure.
- has experience with quality deer management.
- is committed to legal ethical hunting; will not tolerate game violations.
- gives more to the land than he/she takes from it. Improves the lease.
- is known for doing his/her share of work details on the property.
- is proficient at field judging bucks by age class.
- is a stickler for hunting smart and hunting the wind.
- pays dues on time every time.
Ready to pursue a potential membership? Please click here and complete the application. The questionnaire helps us gauge whether our leases are a good fit for your expectations.
Our properties are NOT available to the person who…
- lacks integrity. If you know in your heart this is an issue, then it will soon surface. Please spare us the drama and kindly move along.
- sees a buck and reaches first for bow or rifle instead of the binoculars.
- confuses a Google search with wildlife management expertise.
- expects to kill a buck every year.
- expects to hunt deer over bait.
- wants an individual membership to extend to all members of the family.
- prefers to manage the lease instead of our wildlife biologist.
- has a history of switching hunt clubs.
- expects to bring a guest on most trips.
- expects to hunt the lease virtually every week in deer and turkey season.
- struggles to get along with others.
- would take more from the lease than he/she gives back. Takes much. Contributes little.
- avoids work projects but shows up in time to have fun.
- cannot accurately age white-tailed bucks on the hoof.
- believes scent control is unnecessary.
- would secretly split a membership with a guest.
- has a criminal background including serious game violations.